Tatranec camp search route
, 05960 Tatranská Lomnica GPS: 49° 09' 32"N 20° 18' 33"E
0,0Camping place/fixed house
0,0Camping area

The camping-site is open: 01.01.-31.12.
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Latitude: 774 m / Size of area 600 m2
The resort of TATRANEC is situated in the entrace part of Tatranská Lomnica next to the road from Poprad to Tatranská Lomnica. It is large grounds with service centres, a camping site and a caravan site and smaall cottages. The cottages, with the whole-year-run are equipped with gas heabing, showers with hot running water and toilets.
In winter there are good conditions for cross country skiing. Ski lifts are situated in Tatranská Lomnica and nearby area. Unforgattable experience can be a cabin ride to Skalnaté Pleso (Rocky Lake) and to Lomnický Stit (Lomnica peak). There are many opportunities to visit surrounding historical places and landmarks in the towns of Keµmarok and Levoča and in Slovenský raj (The Slovak Paradise). As rarity can be considered rafting on the river Danajec in the Pieniny National Park which is situated about 40 km from Tatranská Lomnica.