Na Huti , 37806 Suchdol nad Lužnicí
The paddling camp site is situated right at the Lužnice River. Accommodation is possible in your own tents or caravans. A snack bar and a canoe rental shop are available at the camp site.
Hamr u Římova , 37324 Římov
The camp site is situated in a nice area of the Novohradské hory (New Castle Mountains) on the bank of the Malše River. It offers accommodation in the building and an area for your own caravans and tents.

Veveří 308, 37344 Nové Hrady
The camp is located in the quiet environment. Accommodation available: 11 cottages, own caravans and tents. Available: fireplace, sanitary facility, kitchenette and restaurant. The camp offers ideal con...

Františkov 82, 37806 Suchdol nad Lužnicí