Campsites - Příbram

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autokemp u Hotelu Orlík

Vystrkov 179, 26272 Kozárovice

At Hotel Orlík, we have an autocamp in operation all year round and we look forward to your visit with a caravan or motorhome. During your stay, you can use the hotel restaurant, our wellness center and the spo...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionWith water connection

camping Horjany

camping Horjany

Horejany 3, 26272 Breznice

A small campsite lying in the neighborhood of a 19th century farm is run by Holland owners. There are spacious places with beautiful views of the surrounding. Swimming pool, restaurant, and youth club with tabl...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesEquiped tents to rent

camp Dlouhá míle

camp Dlouhá míle

, 26242 Rožmitál pod Třemšínem

Dlouhá Míle is a new camp at an altitude of 555 m above sea level with a beautiful view of the region. The camp is located at the foot of Brdy mountains and is ideal for cycling. The camp has 10 stands with wat...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionWith water connectionRooms with own sanitary facilitiesmobile homes

kemp Bor

kemp Bor

, 262 56 Milešov

Capacity of the camp is 150 places; suitable area for caravans. Great swimming with gradual access to water; beach suitable for families with children. There are two playgrounds for volleyball and a ping pong t...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities



kemp Popelíky

kemp Popelíky

, 262 56 Milešov

The camp is located close to Orlík Lake. Access road is located few hundred meters from dam. There is dissected terrain with sandy beach with gradual access to water and beautiful mountains. Accommodation avail...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilities

kemp Trhovky

kemp Trhovky

, 262 56 Milešov

There are 350 places for tents and caravans in the camp; 200 m long beach with good access to water; toboggan. Accommodation available: two-, three- and four-bed cottages. Two sandy playgrounds and a ping pong ...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

sporthotel Trhovky

sporthotel Trhovky

, 262 34 Milešov nad Vltavou

The Sporthotel is situated on the bank of the Orlická přehrada (Eagle Dam). You can stay in apartments or 4-bed bungalows with an extra bed for the 5th person. Top tennis courts and beach volleyball.

Bungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

kemp Maják

kemp Maják

Sejce , 26293 Nalžovice

Bungalow without sanitary facilities

Selected from all country

camp Dolce Trutnov camp Dolce Trutnov

Oblanov 37, 54101 Trutnov
camp Dolce Trutnov

Camp Dolce is located in the quiet countryside, in the foothills of the Giant Mountains, 4 km from the town of Trutnov. ¨ The quiet recreation is sec...

eurocamping Bojkovice eurocamping Bojkovice

Štefánikova 1008, 687 71 Bojkovice
eurocamping Bojkovice

The campsite is located on the outskirts of Bojkovice city, near the train and bus stations; the city center can be reached on foot. We provide accomm...

autocamp Osek

Nelsonská 669, 41705 Osek
autocamp Osek

Autocamp Osek – autocamp to reach the beauty of the Ore Mountains Just below the hill the Ore Mountains near Teplice waists for all lovers of hiking,...

Last minute / offers campsites

camping Frymburk Lipno
Come and have a relax

Campsite is located in a beautiful area of Sumava mountains by the Lipno Lake. They offer many trips, bike tours, activities for children ...

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camping Oase Praha
Family camping near Prague

Ideal camping for visitting Prag and families with small children. Trips to Prague with English-speaking guide.

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Where to spend a vacation with your children?

Can you imagine a campground where you only see your children when it’s time for a snack or lunch? Yes, these campgrounds do exist in the Czech Republic. Full story

Comments | Rating

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Camping name Date Text Foto Rating
autokemp Olešná6.11.2023508,7
Naprostá spokojenost. Ideální místo na dovolenou pro aktivní rodiny a děti. My jsme si půjčili šlapadla a padleboary a taky longboardy a koloběžky a objeli celou přehradu. Nemohli jsme nenavštívit aquapark a děti byli i v hlídacím...
kemp Ostrov Zadní Třebaň9.7.202310 
Zaplatíte 20 Kč ve sprše,abyste - nahá - zjistila, že voda neteče.. Pitná voda jen v jednom kohoutku,fronta....a po napuštění zjistíte, že smrdí nějakou "sírou...Jinak kemp v pěkném prostředí, škoda, že správce si víc nehledí své ...
autocamping Velký Vír9.7.202346 
Jedna velká katastrofa! Že je kemp svažitý jsme četli,ale... Sprchy hrůza,toalety smrad,neuklizeno,toal.papir neexistuje,kontejnery smrděly všude, občerstvení nedostatečné, absolutně nezvládnutá organizace, pláž špinavá,bez toalet...