Dolánky u Turnova , 46822 Dolánky u Turnova
Camp in Dolánky near the city of Turnov offers the beatuies of Český ráj. It is situated near the river Jizera and it is mostly used as a base camp for the tourist trips to the nearby locations. From the destin...
, 51264 Kacanovy
The Kacanovy sports area and camp ground is located in the heart of Bohemian Paradise. Accommodation available: own tents and caravans; possibility to rent caravans.
, 51263 Troskovice
Svitačka is a natural camp (car camp) with a 50-year tradition located 1 km below the dominant feature of the entire region - the ruins of Trosky Castle and offers quiet accommodation in a picturesque setting i...
Vesec 39, 51101 Turnov
The area is located in the beautiful nature close to forest. Accommodation available in two-, three- and four-bed rooms, cottages with own social facilities and four-bed cottages with joint social facili...
Srbsko 32, 29402 Kněžmost-Srbsko
The sports recreation complex offers accommodation in chalets, log chalets, bungalows, apartments, or rooms. The complex offers a golf course, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a fitness room, a...
Košťálov 332, 51202 Košťálov
The constantly orderly area is located on the imaginary edge of the Bohemian Paradise and the Giant Mountains, surrounded by beautiful nature.We offer accommodation in four-bed cabins with the possibility of an...