Install our FREE app Camping sites in the Czech and Slovak Republic
Show a discount code at any participating camp and enjoy lower rate on accommodation.

It is necessary to show the discount code upon arrival; thus, don’t forget to install our app in advance (date and time of the first initiation are stated on the discount code!)
The given discount applies for total price of accommodation (with exception of local fees). Thus, it doesn’t apply for boarding, various rental fees and other additional services.
The discount applies to the phone's owner and his family (for one camping pitch, cottage, mobile home, ..). Can then not be used for some group.
The camps participating in the discount system are marked with a special symbol with specification of the percentage discount (5, 10, 15 .... %).
The discount applies for the given calendar year.
You have the opportunity to FILTER the campsites (in Internet or mobile applications) – and to view only those camps that offer discounts!
Please have a look at camp sites that accept the discount
New camps constantly take part in the system – watch out for updated information!