Informationen zur Umgebung von Campingplatz   autocamping Bobrovník

Poutní místo Panny Marie Pomocné (Mariahilf) u Zla

, 79376 Zlaté Hory

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Sehenswürdigkeiten - Religiöse Monumente

Abstand 15 km

GPS: 50° 13' 34"N 17° 23' 45"E

This place of pilgrimages - Virgin Maria Help - is near the town Zlaté Hory at the east side of the Příčna Mountain. That mountain is a lot influenced by more then hundert years of being used for mining. The church was built at the start of the last century, then blown up by the totalitarian system. The church was built anew at 1995. The churge is always open. Assisted prayers: 10:30 (at Saturday), 10:30 and 15:30 (Sundays)


Religiöse Monumente

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