Březka 145, 50601 LIbuň
Located in the Czech Paradise, 2 km from the nature area Prachovské skaly in the village Březka.
There are 12 also cottages, beach volleyball court and pingpong.

Dolánky u Turnova , 46822 Dolánky u Turnova
Camp in Dolánky near the city of Turnov offers the beatuies of Český ráj. It is situated near the river Jizera and it is mostly used as a base camp for the tourist trips to the nearby locations. From the destin...
Prachov 58, 50601 Holín
This complex of 7 3-bedded cabins is situated in a sunny location, 6 km northwest of the city of Jičín, in the center of the natural area called the Prachov Rocks (Prachovské skály). Each cabin can be easily mo...
, 506 01 Podůlší
This camping site located on the edge of Bohemian Paradise in an orchard north- east of the village Podůlší provides privacy and peace to its guests. There isa large choice of trips in the surroundings. In clos...

, 51264 Kacanovy
The Kacanovy sports area and camp ground is located in the heart of Bohemian Paradise. Accommodation available: own tents and caravans; possibility to rent caravans.