Vodácká 835/12, 170 00 Praha 7
HG Sportcamp Troja features great amenities for active travelers visiting Prague. The camp is just steps away from the whitewater slalom course on the bank of the Vltava river and across the river from Stromovk...

Kotlářka 115, 15000 Praha
Vineyard Manor Kotlářka
The history of the vineyard manor Kotlářka dates back as far as to 1801, when the manor was built as a vineyard farmstead embosomed with large vineyards. Even at present, this listed co...

Trojská 129, 17000 Praha
Is situated in a garden, in quietsurroundings, 15 minutes by tram from the centre of the city. The Prague ZOO, the Prague Botanical Garden, the baroque style Troje Castle and the largest park „Stromovka“ of Pra...