Vojetice 9, 34201 Sušice
The campsite Vojetice is situated in a peaceful place at the border of the village. Farm grazing land extends and the Kepelský potok (Kepelský Stream) flows in its vicinity.

Okna 29, 00000 Doksy
Pension Mini - Phoenix Oasis camp located in northern Bohemia 60km above Prague.
Phoenix Oasis is a family business with a friendly atmosphere.
It is located near the Machova-Jezera in a green area.
Our gu...

Nebřich 33, 257 44 Netvořice
Campsite located on the 100th kilometer of the Vltava River, ashore of the Slapy Reservoir, approximately 45 km south of Prague. It offers a quiet environment; most places are partly shaded by trees. There is a...

, 46362 Hejnice
The campsite Hejnice is situated 1.6 km from Lázně Libverda (Libverda Spa) where you can buy therapeutic procedures which can be attended from the camp.

Karlov 51, 591 01 Ždár nad Sázavou
13 cabins (3 – 4 beds) with joint sanitary facilities. Only a small snack-bar is available on the premises.