Nad Přehradou , 73801 Frýdek-Místek
Autocamp Olešná is located approximately twenty kilometers from Ostrava in the recreational zone of the Olešná dam with a view of the Beskydy Mountains. Resort Olešná is an ideal place for summer holidays, corp...

162, 739 91 Dolní Lomná
Autocamp "U viaduktu" is situated in one of the most beatiful valley in Beskydy mountain, Lomná. Lomná is well know turist resort with lot of attraction, beatiful forests, crystal clear brooks and river. This p...

Horní Bečva 360, 75657 Horní Bečva
The MARTA chalet site is located in the clean environment of the protected landscape area and thus, it provides optimal conditions for tourism, cycling and relaxation all year round. Capacity: 50 beds. There is...
Baška 420, 73901 Baška
The autocamp is located on east side of the Baška reservoir; it is surrounded by Beskydy Mountains. Accommodation available: in own tents, caravans and two- to four-bed cottages. Possibility of fishing in the r...

322, 73904 Morávka
Paskov Recreation Center is located in the protected landscape area Beskydy, in the river valley Morávka. The resort has a restaurant and bar, swimming pool, tennis courts, table tennis, table football, firepla...

Bystré 664, 744 01 Frenštát po Radhoštěm
Accommodation in chalets and pension rooms. Boarding is possible in the dining-hall in the pension. The possibilities of activities in the complex – a clay court, an outdoor pool with a diameter of about 8 m, a...