Lokalita Borný , 47201 Doksy - Staré Splavy
Camping Andrea is located on the Mácha Lake. Accommodation is possible in rooms, cottages, caravans or tents. In the area is refreshments, a children's area, tennis courts and rent boats. There are many attract...
Pod Borným 252, 47163 Staré Splavy
The resort of TATRANEC is situated in the entrace part of Tatranská Lomnica next to the road from Poprad to Tatranská Lomnica. It is large grounds wit...
The campground is located in the foothills of the famous Black Mountain. Our campground's excellent location offers you a wide selection of camping sp...
Camp is situated at the northern bank dam reservoir Rozkoš near international road E67. Offers accommodation ( cottages, dormitory, bungalow, place fo...
Camping is situated directly at the Lipno lake in South Bohemia. Camping is suitable for families with children and also for couples.
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We accept the ADAC and ADAC Sparkarte 25.5.-1.7. and 26.8. - 3.9.2022.