Velký Dřevíč , 54934 Hronov
A car-camp in pleasant surroundings with a possibility of active relaxation. A tourist-attractive area. Jiráskův Hronov, Náchod with a castle and fortress of Dobrošov, church in Broumov. Teplice and Adršpach ro...

Hradčany 1089, 54901 Nové Město nad Metují
Two-room five-bed chalets. There is no place for tents, caravans or cars.
přehrada Rozkoš u hráze, 55224 Velká Jesenice u Česká Skalice
Stellplatz Rozkoš is a brand new facility (established in 2013) for caravans in direct neighbourhood of Rozkoš reservoir.
The dam is just 30 m away! Stellplatz is only cca 2km from the international road E6...

Dolní Adršpach 1, 54957 Teplice nad Metují
Pension Rock Mill is situated on the Bank of the river Metuje near Adršpach. Accommodation is possible in rooms or cottages. Part of the complex there is a restaurant, playground, petanque and golf. In the vici...

Kamenec , 54957 Teplice nad Metují
The Kamenec camp site is situated in the centre of Teplice nad Metují. Accommodation is possible in chalets or your own tents or caravans. A restaurant, a bathing area and the water reservoir of Rozkoš (Delight...