, 29415 Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou
The Koupaliště Klášter (Monastery Bathing Pool) camping site offers accommodation in rooms, your own tents or caravans. There is a pool, a snack bar, table tennis, football, football tennis, bowling, and tennis...
62, 28565 Zbýšov
The Zbýšov camp site is situated at Zbýšovský rybník (Zbýšov pond). Accommodation is offered in chalets or your own tents or caravans. A sports ground, a table tennis court and a cycle and boat rental shop are ...
Zdeslav 4, 27034 Čistá
A recreational centre used especially for child recreation such as outdoor schooling, school trips, summer camps, adaptation courses, and the like.
, 27735 Mšeno
The recreation centre offers accommodation in chalets or a bungalow. Half- or full-boarding is possible for clients. There are two club rooms, a fire ring, a fire place, a pergola, a volleyball court and a tabl...
, 27723 Kokořínský Důl
Campsite is located in the Kokorin valley near the castle of the same name. Accommodation is available in own tents. There is a well with non-potable water.
Nová Rabyně 51, 25208 Slapy nad Vltavou
, 25753 Vrchotovy Janovice
Small area for fans of fishing. Located by Jamský pond (approx. 1 hectare). Accommodation available: cottages, own tents and caravans. Showers and toilets available.