Vršovice 1, 26401 Jesenice
Penzion Strnadovský Mlyn is located in the municipalities of Vršovice. It offers accommodation in rooms or on the camping option is covered by meadows. In the framework of the accommodation can use all possibil...
Třtice , 27101 Nové Strašecí
, 331 43 Chříč
Mach's Mill is a popular summer holiday resort situated in a protected area Křivoklátsko.
Macha mill tires of accommodation: - A small cottage: for 4 persons, minimum 2 paying persons, equipment, two bunk beds...
Želízy , 27721 Liběchov
The campsite is located near Želízy Mělník. Accommodation is possible in their own tents or chalets, caravans. In the grounds is a swimming pool and refreshments. In the surroundings there are many interesting ...
Kersko 464, 28912 Hradišťsko
Bungalows Kersko lies in the green of a pine forest on the banks of the Elbe in the forest village of Kersko. It offers accommodation in the picturesque cottages-bungalows with air conditioning. In the area the...
K Havránkách , 28506 Sázava
, 29402 Branžež
The chalet site is located in Bohemian Paradise, in the vicinity of Komárovský pond, by Branžež village. Accommodation available: cottages for four to five persons. Suitable mainly for family recreatio...
Čížovka 20, 294 02 Kněžmost
The area is located in the heart of Bohemian Paradise, approx. 20 km from Mladá Boleslav. Accommodation available: cottages and apartments. Boarding in the canteen. Swimming pool, tennis court, volleyball playg...