Campsites - Strakonice

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Ceska republika Region Praha Plzensko Sumava Zapadoceske lazne Severozapadni Cechy Cesky sever Cesky Raj Krkonose Vychodni Cechy Severni Morava a Slezsko Stredni Morava Jizni Morava Vysocina Jizni Cechy Okoli Prahy Západní Tatry Jižní Východní
Česká republika
Zapadočeské lázně Český sever Krkonoše Severní Morava a Slezsko
Severozápadní Čechy Praha Český ráj Střední Morava
Plzeňsko Okolí Prahy Východní Čechy Jižní Morava
Šumava Jižní čechy Vysočina
Západní Tatry Jižní Východní

tábořiště Rosenauerův mlýn tábořiště Rosenauerův mlýn

tábořiště Rosenauerův mlýn

, 34101 Horažďovice

The Rosenauerův mlýn camp site is situated on the large island in the river, at the weir and the cultural and technical monument – Rosenaueův mlýn(Rosenauer’s Mill). It offers accommodation in your own tent or ...

Places without connections/place without connections

kemp Podskalí Strakonice

kemp Podskalí Strakonice

Kemp Podskalí , 386 01 Strakonice

The camp with a waterman’s camping site lies in the recreational area of Podskalí, at the 56th kilometre of the Otava river and 1 kilometre away from the city of Strakonice. In the camping, there are 15 chalets...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

kemp Bavorov

kemp Bavorov

Na Drahách , 38773 Bavorov

The Bavorov chalet site is situated in a pleasant environment, near the Blanice River. Accommodation in chalets, but also tent and caravan sites with an electric connection.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilities

kemp Katovice

kemp Katovice

Nádraží 24, 38711 Katovice

The camp site is situated on the left bank after the weir in Katovice. The camp site offers places for tents or caravans with an electric connection; a restaurant with the possibility of boarding and an essenti...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connection

kemp Luhy-Milavy

kemp Luhy-Milavy

Velká Turná 78, 38601 Strakonice

The Luhy camp site is situated at the pond of Milava. It offers accommodation in a bungalow, chalets or your own tents or caravans. Boarding is possible right in the complex. A volleyball court, a playground wi...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities



kemp Hoštice

, 38715 Střelské Hoštice

The camp site is situated at the Otava River. It disposes of an area for 100 tents, a fire ring and places for caravans with the possibility of electric connections. A refreshment kiosk with a covered terrace i...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connection

kemp Dobršín

kemp Dobršín

Dobršín , 34201 Dobršín

The Dobršín camp is located by Otava River. Accommodation available: tents and caravans (possibility of renting el. connection). Showers, drinking water available. Swimming in Otava River.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connection

penzion Jedraž

penzion Jedraž

Jedraž 1, 38601 Strakonice

The family boarding house offers accommodation in two-bed apartments and two-bed rooms with possibility of extra bed, in Teepee tents in Indian village, in cottages, own tents or caravans. There is a community ...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilitiesEquiped tents to rent

kemp Otava

kemp Otava

, 38601 Strakonice

Accommodation is available in own tents, caravans or cabins. There is a snack, fireplace, playground and swimming pool in a nearby town Strakonice.

Places without connections/place without connectionsBungalow without sanitary facilities

Selected from all country

Top kemping Goralský dvor Haligovce

188, 06534 Haligovce
Top kemping Goralský dvor Haligovce

Goral Grange is located National Park Pieniny. The complex contains 14 chalets, a Slovak restaurant, a summer hut pub Koliba, football pitch and volle...

camping Jiskra Harrachov

Harrachov 498, 51246 Harrachov
camping Jiskra Harrachov

Campsite Jiskra Harrachov is ideal for vacancy and for winter tourism. There is enough space for caravans or tents, possibility of accommodation in tw...

camping Olšina Lipno

, 38223 Černá v Pošumaví
camping Olšina Lipno

Camping Lipno Olšina located on the shore of Lipno water reservoir, 18 km far from the town Český Krumlov in village called Černá v Pošumaví. Camp i...


Where to spend a vacation with your children?

Can you imagine a campground where you only see your children when it’s time for a snack or lunch? Yes, these campgrounds do exist in the Czech Republic. Full story

Comments | Rating

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Camping name Date Text Foto Rating
autokemp Olešná6.11.2023508,7
Naprostá spokojenost. Ideální místo na dovolenou pro aktivní rodiny a děti. My jsme si půjčili šlapadla a padleboary a taky longboardy a koloběžky a objeli celou přehradu. Nemohli jsme nenavštívit aquapark a děti byli i v hlídacím...
kemp Ostrov Zadní Třebaň9.7.202310 
Zaplatíte 20 Kč ve sprše,abyste - nahá - zjistila, že voda neteče.. Pitná voda jen v jednom kohoutku,fronta....a po napuštění zjistíte, že smrdí nějakou "sírou...Jinak kemp v pěkném prostředí, škoda, že správce si víc nehledí své ...
autocamping Velký Vír9.7.202346 
Jedna velká katastrofa! Že je kemp svažitý jsme četli,ale... Sprchy hrůza,toalety smrad,neuklizeno,toal.papir neexistuje,kontejnery smrděly všude, občerstvení nedostatečné, absolutně nezvládnutá organizace, pláž špinavá,bez toalet...