Dřenice , 35002 Cheb
The camp is situated on the shore of Jesenice dam near Cheb.

Staromlýnská 154/35, 36215 Březová
Camp Březový Háj is located 3 km from the spa centre of Karlovy Vary, at the end of the municipality Březová direction to Plzeň. Accommodation is provided in the ground-floor buildings with wheelchair access or...

Stará voda - Jedlová 200 , 353 01 Mariánské Lázně
The recreation complex includes the original building “Šturmův umělecký válcový mlýn” of 1912. Accommodation in newly built chalets with 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchenette and sanitary facilities.

, 36001 Karlovy Vary
A paddling camp site on the left bank of the Odra River. Containers and toilets available. The possibility of camping in a tent and in a tee-pee. No entry to the camp site for a motor vehicle.