Entertainment > Zoo > ZOOpark Vyškov
20.3.2010 pavel / Number of presentasion: 209
Cukrovarská 424/9, 682 01 Vyškov
GPS: 49° 16' 22" N 16° 59' 49" E
49.2727821638889 49.2727821638889
Tel.: +420 517 346 356 / E-mail
ZOO PARK Vyškov specializes mainly in breeding primitive as well as exotic species of domestic and farm animals. At present, we breed about 560 animals in 119 species or races. We would like to show mainly children but also adult visitors that, for example, a cow is not a violet monster from TV having the notice “Milka” on its back and that an egg is not created artificially somewhere in a factory,... It is also possible to visit Dinopark (http://www.dinopark.cz) in the neighbourhood.