www.CAMP.cz - camping and leisure in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Sights   >   Castles   >   Hořovice

12.2.2010 Zuzka  /  Number of presentasion: 282

Vrbnovská 22, 268 01 Hořovice

GPS: 49° 50' 15" N  13° 54' 32" E
         49.8376231138889  49.8376231138889

Tel.: +420 311 512 479 / E-mail

A Baroque chateau once belonging to the Lords of Vrbno a Bruntál, built at the beginning of the 18th century; later Classicist alterations were carried out in the second half of the 19th century by the Hanavský princes of Hessen, Germany. The park is separated from the chateau by a wrought-iron gate and a fence with Baroque sculptural decorations by M.B. Braun. The so-called “Sun Gate” represents the focal point when viewing the park from the chateau building. The interiors feature paintings by J.E. Schorr a K. Würbs, as well as an exhibition of musical machines and an exhibition of cast-iron artworks.

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