Sights > Open air museums > Valašské muzeum v přírodě - Rožnov p. Radhoštěm
26.6.2010 Marta / Number of presentasion: 1116
Palackého 147, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
GPS: 49° 27' 43" N 18° 09' 00" E
49.4619253 49.4619253
Tel.: +420 571 757 120 / E-mail
The Wooden Townlet embodies the distinctive spirit of vernacular Moravian municipal architecture of the late 19th and early 20th century. Combining both the carefully relocated original houses and the painstakingly recreated buildings fitted with interior exhibitions, the Wooden Townlet represents a particularly attractive open-air display of the traditional style of living, home-run trades and crafts and municipal and ecclesiastical institutions, and presents the spa character of the Rožnov area.
The Wallachian Village occupies the largest part of the museum, encompassing farmsteads, wells, bell towers, windmills and gardens, and other related structures, all set among the jagged landscape, roads and clusters of trees to faithfully copy the character of traditional Wallachian villages.
The Water Mill Valley is the youngest part of the museum. The roofs of its buildings greet visitors upon their arrival and accompany them along their way to the Little Wooden Town.