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ZOO Dvůr Králové

Štefánikova 1029, 544 01 Dvůr Králové

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Entertainment - Zoo

Distance: 21 km

GPS: 50° 26' 04"N 15° 47' 58"E

You will see the widest collection of African animals in Europe; you will take a riding on a double-deck bus on a real African safari tour among herds of antelopes, zebras and gnus. We select from pavilions and exhibits: a carnivore pavilion, tropical swamps, a bird world, the primeval time in the eye of Zdeněk Burian, the Dinosaur World, a flamingo pavilion and bird house, water worlds, an African savannah, an okapi pavilion, a tamarin pavilion, a primate pavilion and a meerkat pavilion. Accept also the offer of an African safari tour – you will see almost two hundred animals that you will observe from a double-deck safari bus. You can expec ...



 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
21 km

ZOO Dvůr Králové ico

You will see the widest collection of African animals in Europe; you will t

35 km

Obří akvárium ico

This is the greatest fresh-water aquarium. In addition to a giant aquarium

74 km

Obora Žehušice ico

The game-park with an area of 270 ha, it keeps one of few herds of white de

76 km

ZOO Chleby ico

This is a small zoo that specializes, among others, in breeding endangered

78 km

Obora Žleby ico

In summer months you can see representatives of our game, carnivorous birds

80 km

ZOO Liberec ico

You will see more than 180 animal species in an area of 13 ha; the length o

119 km

ZOO Zelland ico

The ZooPark with animals can of course be walked through by every visitor;