Sights >
17.2.2010 pavel / Number of presentasion: 236
Distance from camping Country:
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Kašperk , 341 92 Kašperské hory
GPS: 49° 09' 58" N
13° 33' 50" E Search route
49.1661111 49.1661111
Tel.: +420 376 582 324 / E-mail
The ruins of a Gothic castle dating back to the 14th century, founded by Emperor Charles IV. Abandoned in the 17th century, partially restored in the 19th century. Exhibition: the history a architecture of the castle, the Luxembourg dynasty era in Bohemia, gold mining in the Šumava (Bohemian Forest); the installation is located in the Burgrave’s house. The east tower has been converted into a lookout tower. An interesting type of a castle-plus-palace structure bounded by two towers; a similar style to that of Radyně. One of the highest castle altitudes in the country - 884 m above sea level.