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Břevnovský kláštěr

Markétská 28/1, 169 01 Praha 6

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Sights - Religious monuments

Distance: 2 km

GPS: 50° 05' 07"N 14° 21' 24"E

Břevnov Monastery A part of the Monastery is accessible to the public. The Monastery tour includes the Romanesque crypt and Baroque Basilica of St. Margaret. The organ was restored in the monastic basilica in the years of 2004-2007; the basilica, which is of course primarily a sacral space, became a popular venue for (mostly) organ concerts. Baroque interior of the prelature is also a part of the Monastery tour. There is a Czech restaurant “Klášterní šenk“ and a monastic brewery of St. Vojtěch situated in Břevnov Monastery. The brewery is located in the baroque building of the former stables. The ...


Religious monuments

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
2 km

Břevnovský kláštěr ico

Břevnov Monastery A part of the Monastery is accessible to the public. T

4 km

Strahovský klášter ico

The Strahov Monastery belonging to the ( Premonstr

4 km

Katedrála sv. Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha ico

The cathedral of St. Vítus, Wenceslas and Adalbert is the most famous sacra

4 km

Loreta ico

The Loreta ( gets its name from the Italian pilgrimage site c

5 km

Chrám sv. Mikuláše ico

The Jesuit Church of St Nicholas was completed in the mid 18th century. The

5 km

Pražské Jezulátko ico

The Bambino di Praga ( is a 47cm-tall wax figure of the i

5 km

Starý židovský hřbitov ico

The Old Jewish Cemetery is the oldest surviving Jewish burial ground in the