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Národní technické muzeum

Kostelní 42, 170 78 Praha

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Trips - Museum

Distance: 6 km

GPS: 50° 05' 50"N 14° 25' 29"E

National Technical Museum Over a period of more than a hundred years, extensive collections have been established documenting the development of many technical fields, natural and exact sciences and industry in the territory of today's Czech Republic. Fourteen permanent exhibitions have been prepared for the visitors:  TRANSPORT, ARCHITECTURE, CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN, ASTRONOMY, PRINTING, PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO, DOMESTIC TECHNOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AROUND US, TIME MEASUREMENT, MINING, METALLURGY, INTER-CAMERA, TECHNOLOGY THROUGH PLAY AND TOP SECRET EXHIBITION, and TV STUDIO. Opening hours(2014): Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.&nb ...



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6 km

Národní technické muzeum ico

National Technical Museum Over a period of more than a hundred years, ex

7 km

Národní muzeum ico

The National Museum ( – the largest and oldest Czech museum house

8 km

Automuseum Praga Zbuzany ico

The Praga car museum was established in 1957. The main aim of establishing

14 km

Letecké muzeum Kbely ico

The Kbely Aviation Museum was founded in 1968 on the premises of the histor

16 km

Chrustenická šachta ico

The iron ore mine of Chrustenice (1861-1965) ranked to the largest and most

19 km

Důl Mayrau Kladno ico

The mining open-air museum is situated about 30 km to the west of the capit

19 km

Solvayovy lomy ico

Parking is free, i.e. where you find a place :-) in the municipality of Bub