Sights >
20.3.2010 Zuzka / Number of presentasion: 186
Distance from camping Frymburk Lipno:
Wait, we calculate the distance by road ...
Ostroh , 35101 Františkovy lázně
GPS: 50° 07' 55" N
12° 16' 56" E Search route
50.1318475722222 50.1318475722222
Tel.: /
Originally a Romanesque castle from the 13th century, enlarged in the Gothic style, later adjusted several times. During the Thirty Years Was it was plundered and deserted, in the early 20th century restored. Burgher’s interior and fashion of the 19th century, a knights hall a black kitchen with equipment, cellars. An exposition of the history of porcelain and contemporary Karlovy Vary china.