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Veselý kopec

, Veselý kopec

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Sights - Open air museums

Distance: 23 km

GPS: 49° 45' 39"N 15° 50' 20"E

The museum of folk architecture in Veselý Kopec Exhibits a sample of petty farmers’ mostly timbered homesteads, which were constructed in a part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Considerable attention is given to folk technical water-powered buildings. Expositions are dated from the second half of the 19th century until the 1950’s when the possibility of private husbandry was liquidated on account of social changes.Single houses show the construction particularity from the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands and the Iron Mountains. At the same time, the houses and their inside equipment document not only the development in a particular era, but a ...


Open air museums

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
23 km

Veselý kopec ico

The museum of folk architecture in Veselý Kopec Exhibits a sample of petty

48 km

Muzeum lidových staveb Kouřim ico

The folk architecture museum in Kouřim is unique in the Czech Republic. It

60 km

Botanicus Ostrá ico

We would be happy to take you around the village of historical trades – tin

63 km

Polabské národopisné muzeum Přerov nad Labem ico

Ethnographic Museum of the Polabí area The museum is one of the olde

75 km

Středověký skanzen Řepora ico

In this beautiful protected nature locality, you can see how e.g. potters,

76 km

Skanzen Altamira - Kosmonosy ico

Altamira is a children’s primeval open-air museum at Kosmonosy. It was buil

78 km

Keltský skanzen Isarno ico

The Celtic colony ISARDO is located at Letovice, in the premises of the for