information about surrounding area of camping site   Holiday Park Liščí Farma


Principiova alej 304, 411 55 Terezín

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Sights - Memorials

Distance: 102 km

GPS: 50° 30' 49"N 14° 09' 33"E

On the initiative of the newly created Czechoslovak government, in 1947 the National Suffering Memorial was opened on the site of the suffering of tens of thousands; it was later on renamed the Terezin Memorial. The key mission of the Terezin Memorial, the only institution of its kind in the Czech Republic, is to commemorate the victims of the Nazi political and racial persecution during the occupation of the Czech lands in World War II, to promote museum, research and educational activities, and look after the memorial sites connected with the suffering and death of dozens of thousands of victims of violence.



102 km

Terezín ico

On the initiative of the newly created Czechoslovak government, in 1947 the

113 km

Lidice ico

This village, the name of which became a symbol of Fascist despotism in Wor