Sights >
Bělá pod Bezdězem
6.2.2010 pavel / Number of presentasion: 262
Distance from Kemp Merkur Pasohlávky:
Wait, we calculate the distance by road ...
Zámek 1, 294 71 Bělá pod Bezdězem
GPS: 50° 30' 05" N
14° 48' 28" E Search route
50.5013829888889 50.5013829888889
Tel.: +420 326 701 618 / E-mail
A Renaissance chateau from the turn of the 16th a 17th centuries, built on the site of a Gothic stronghold. Later remodeled in Baroque style. There is an exhibition on the history of the Bezděz area. The interiors feature painted Renaissance beamed ceilings; the chapel is furnished in early Baroque style.