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Religious monuments
Synagogy - Židovské město
1.6.2012 Marta / Number of presentasion: 269
Distance from Kemp Merkur Pasohlávky:
Wait, we calculate the distance by road ...
Josefov , 10000 Praha
GPS: 50° 05' 24" N
14° 25' 07" E Search route
50.0898992666667 50.0898992666667
Tel.: /
In addition to the Old-New Synagogue there are 5 other synagogues in the Jewish Town. Most of them are run by the Jewish Museum .
Klaus Synagogue
The Klaus Synagogue used to be the largest synagogue in the Jewish ghetto. The building we see today was built after a fire in the late 17th century.
Maisel Synagogue
The triple-nave Maisel Synagogue at present houses the Jewish Museum which traces the history of the Jews in Bohemia and Moravia.
Pinkas Synagogue
In the post-war years this synagogue became a Monument to the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia, victims of the Nazi persecution. The names of 77,297 holocaust victims are written on the walls of the synagogue. The exhibition also includes a collection 4,500 children’s drawings from the Terezín ghetto from 1942-1944.
Spanish Synagogue
In 1868 the Spanish Synagogue was built in the Moorish style on the site of Prague’s oldest Jewish prayer room.
High Synagogue
This synagogue was originally part of theJewish town hall, and is sometimes called the Town Hall Synagogue. Today it still shares the building with the town hall.
Since 1997 it has served as a place of worship for Prague’s Jewish community.