Sights >
27.3.2010 Zuzka / Number of presentasion: 337
Distance from Kemp Merkur Pasohlávky:
Wait, we calculate the distance by road ...
, 512 63 Ktová
GPS: 50° 30' 59" N
15° 13' 50" E Search route
50.5164893277778 50.5164893277778
Tel.: +420 481 313 925 / E-mail
A ruin of a castle originated in the 14th century by the Vartemberk family on two bizarre rock columns. Deserted in the 17th century, re-discovered in the period of Romanticism in the 19th century. The castle complex with the characteristic towers called “Baba” and “Panna”, remains of a palace, fortifications and forecastle, a lookout point under the tower Panna. In Rovensko pod Troskami there is a bell tower with three so-called rebel bells from 1630, hanging upside down, driven by stepping.