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Pevnost Dobrošov

Dobrošov u Náchoda , 54701 Náchod

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Trips - Museum

Distance: 169 km

GPS: 50° 24' 10"N 16° 12' 08"E

The artillery fortress is part of the border fortification line of 1936 till 1938. While visiting the fort you can see the underground space. There is an instructive trail around the fortress with information boards, explaining the fortification themes of the late thirties of the past century. In the entrance centre there is a permanent display of Czechoslovak pre-World War II army in miniatures from Lubor Šušlík collection. Fort "Jeřáb" is open for public on bank holidays only.



 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
169 km

Pevnost Dobrošov ico

The artillery fortress is part of the border fortification line of 1936 til

171 km

Pěchotní srub Březinka ico

N-S 82 “Březinka” infantry casemate was concreted from October 4 to 9, 1937

173 km

Vodní elektrátna Lipno ico

Water power plant Lipno nad Vltavou Excursion in power plant 160 m un

181 km

Vojenské muzeum Lešany ico

The Military Technical Museum of the Military History Institute in Prague h

182 km

Prácheňské muzeum v Písku ico

Originally a Gothic royal castle from the 14th century, gradually rebuilt i

200 km

Letecké muzeum Kbely ico

The Kbely Aviation Museum was founded in 1968 on the premises of the histor

202 km

Národní muzeum ico

The National Museum ( – the largest and oldest Czech museum house