Sights >
20.3.2010 Zuzka / Number of presentasion: 330
Distance from autocamp SEDMIHORKY:
Wait, we calculate the distance by road ...
, 46344 Sychrov
GPS: 50° 37' 35" N
15° 05' 21" E Search route
50.6263641777778 50.6263641777778
Tel.: +420 482 416 011 / E-mail
A large romantic chateau of the Rohan family from the late 17th century, originally a Baroque chateau built on the place of a Gothic fortress, adjusted in Classicism, in the 19th century rebuilt in the Pseudo-Gothic style. Authentic Neo-Gothic interiors with rich woodcarvings (P.Bušek) and valuable art collections (paintings, pewter, china, glass, glass paintings). The portrait gallery of the Rohan family is the most significant collection of French portrait painting outside France.