Sights >
11.2.2010 Zuzka / Number of presentasion: 232
Distance from camp Strážnice:
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Náměstí republiky 9, 419 19 Duchcov
GPS: 50° 36' 08" N
13° 44' 46" E Search route
50.6022874 50.6022874
Tel.: +420 417 835 301 / E-mail
A Baroque chateau on the site of a Gothic stronghold, remodeled in the Classicist style, including the ducal garden and an English park. The pavilion is decorated with a restored fresco by V.V. Reiner. The historical interiors include Czech Baroque art from the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, a exhibit on the history of European furniture by the Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, a biographical exhibition on Giaccomo Casanova, a and billiards room. G. Casanova stayed here for the last 13 years of his life in his capacity as librarian for the Wallenstein family.