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Kostnice Kutná Hora

Zámecká 279, 284 03 Kutná Hora - Sedlec

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Sights - Religious monuments

Distance: 50 km

GPS: 49° 57' 37"N 15° 17' 20"E

The oldest part of Kutná Hora - Sedlec - is a place, where the history of Royal Silver town Kutná Hora has begun. The landlord Miroslav from Markvartice ask the Cistercian order to establish the monastery here in 1142. The Miroslav´s fundation for the new monastery was really estated - a lot of lands and woods around Sedlec and even some villages belonged to it. And a few years later, when the silver ore was found mainly there, the profits from renting the lands for mining earned a huge richness to Cistercian monastery in Sedlec. There is no monk in monastery in these days and Kutná Hora is not a Royal silver town a ...


Religious monuments

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
50 km

Kostnice Kutná Hora ico

The oldest part of Kutná Hora - Sedlec - is a place, where the histo

78 km

Poutní kaple Panny Marie La Salette ico

Near the village Travná is a new gothic chapel with the name Virgin Maria L

79 km

Sázavský klášter ico

Originally a monastery with Slavic liturgy, originated in 1032. Since the e

105 km

Týnský chrám ico

The Týn Church – a high Gothic building housing an extensive collection of

106 km

Synagogy - Židovské město ico

In addition to the Old-New Synagogue there are 5 other synagogues in the Je

106 km

Starý židovský hřbitov ico

The Old Jewish Cemetery is the oldest surviving Jewish burial ground in the

106 km

Staronová synagoga ico

The Old-New Synagogue is the oldest surviving synagogue in central Europe a