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, 250 91 Jenštejn

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Sights - Ruins

Distance: 11 km

GPS: 50° 09' 12"N 14° 36' 39"E

The ruin of a Gothic castle from the beginning of the 14th century, linked to the personality of Archbishop Jan of Jenštejn. The castle was destroyed by the Swedish army in 1641. The second floor of the chapel’s spire is topped by a cross vault. There is an exhibition on the history a architectural development of the castle a on the results of archaeological research in the area.



 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 7 of 9.
11 km

Jenštejn ico

The ruin of a Gothic castle from the beginning of the 14th century, linked

12 km

Dřevčice ico

A massive two-winged Gothic keep located in the eponymous village; fist men

13 km

hrad Okoř ico

An extent ruin of a Gothic castle from the 14th century, rebuilt in the Lat

44 km

hrad Hazmburk ico

The ruin of a castle with a typical two-tower silhouette, founded in the 1

51 km

zřícenina hradu Týřov ico

Týřov Castle was probably built soon after the royal Křivoklát Castle, in p

59 km

hrad Krakovec ico

The ruin of a castle from the late 14th century, byult by the royal foundry

68 km

Trosky ico

A ruin of a castle originated in the 14th century by the Vartemberk family