Sights >
Historic towns
9.3.2012 Wilzing / Number of presentasion: 195
Distance from autocamp Zvůle:
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Husovo námestí 114, 269 01 Rakovník
GPS: 50° 06' 17" N
13° 43' 47" E Search route
50.1046296 50.1046296
Tel.: 313 512 270 / E-mail
Royal City of Townsville is located 56 km west of Prague. Original market settlement, first mentioned as early as 1257, belonged to the estate of Křivoklát. King Wenceslas II. in 1286 promoted village to city, the royal city was made by Emperor Rudolf II. in July 27, 1588.
Townsville is the administrative, industrial, commercial and cultural center of the district with a number of historical sites like the Prague University and Gateway Church Bartholomew, Husovo square, Rabas gallery and District Museum and more.