, 29415 Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou
The Koupaliště Klášter (Monastery Bathing Pool) camping site offers accommodation in rooms, your own tents or caravans. There is a pool, a snack bar, table tennis, football, football tennis, bowling, and tennis...
Srbsko 32, 29402 Kněžmost-Srbsko
The sports recreation complex offers accommodation in chalets, log chalets, bungalows, apartments, or rooms. The complex offers a golf course, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a fitness room, a...
Čechova 959, 29401 Bakov nad Jizerou
, 29402 Branžež
The chalet site is located in Bohemian Paradise, in the vicinity of Komárovský pond, by Branžež village. Accommodation available: cottages for four to five persons. Suitable mainly for family recreatio...
, 51264 Kacanovy
The Kacanovy sports area and camp ground is located in the heart of Bohemian Paradise. Accommodation available: own tents and caravans; possibility to rent caravans.
Vesec 39, 51101 Turnov
The area is located in the beautiful nature close to forest. Accommodation available in two-, three- and four-bed rooms, cottages with own social facilities and four-bed cottages with joint social facili...