Dasný 3, 37341 Hluboká nad Vltavou
The camp is situated on the bank of the Bezdrev pond and offers accommodation in chalets, your own tents or caravans. A snack bar can be used in the complex.
, 76326 Luhačovice
The Luhačovice autocamp offers accommodation in tents, cottages and caravans. There is a restaurant, snack-bar, shop and corner for children in the camp. In the vicinity, one can enjoy fishing, swimming, tennis...
, 51263 Troskovice
Svitačka is a natural camp (car camp) with a 50-year tradition located 1 km below the dominant feature of the entire region - the ruins of Trosky Castle and offers quiet accommodation in a picturesque setting i...
, 38901 Pražák
The Pražák autocamp is located by Pražák village in the vicinity of Blanice River and it is surrounded by forest. Accommodation available: cottages, own tents or caravans. There is a sandpit for children, club ...
Třtice , 27101 Nové Strašecí