Kožlí 194, 58293 Kožlí
The camp offers accommodation in tents, both hot and cold dishes, a perfectly maintained bathing place with a beach in its neighbourhood. It provides excellent conditions for cyclists and hiking.
, 29415 Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou
The Koupaliště Klášter (Monastery Bathing Pool) camping site offers accommodation in rooms, your own tents or caravans. There is a pool, a snack bar, table tennis, football, football tennis, bowling, and tennis...
521, 691 67 Šakvice
The campsite MARS is situated in the Southern Moravia, in a picturesque region of lakes below Pálava, near the border town of Mikulov. There is the possibility of bathing with a sandy beach, water sports and al...
Nádražní 1936, 39701 Písek
Ústupky 246, 53807 Seč
The resort is located ashore of a reservoir and offers pleasant accommodation in cottages, rooms, caravans and own tents. There is a restaurant, grocery shop, boat rental, volleyball field, fireplace and park p...
Na Pískárně , 382 41 Větřní
The Viking camp site is situated on the bank of the Vltava River, which will also offer excellent home cooking in addition to standard services. The possibility of accommodation in chalets, tents or caravans wi...