Zdeslav 4, 27034 Čistá
A recreational centre used especially for child recreation such as outdoor schooling, school trips, summer camps, adaptation courses, and the like.

, 687 68 Březová
The recreation centre is surrounded by woods, meadows and the highest point of the White Carpathians – Javořina. The centre consists of the main building and a chalet camp. The chalet camp has 20 four-bed chale...

Pod Borným 0265, 47163 Staré Splavy
The recreational facility offers accommodation in 36 two- and four-bed chalets with a terrace. A grill, a fire ring a sand area, climbing frames, swings, roundabouts, a volleyball and footballtennis court, bas...
, 34004 Železná Ruda
In the autocamp the customers will find one of the cheapest accommodation in Šumava – in small cottages, tents or caravans. In the autocamp there is a smaller restaurant with a possibility of fast food, WC and ...

Pod Borným 267, 47163 Staré Splavy
Na Hatích 74, 50351 Chlumec nad Cidlinou

, 43801 Vikletice
Places for tents or caravans. Accommodation in small four-bed cottages, cabins and two- and three-bed caravans. There is a summer restaurant, kitchenettes, volleyball playground, minigolf and table tennis on th...

Hovězí 83, 756 01 Hovězí
Ideal location of the camp offers wide choice of hiking routes leading to the neighboring mountains, trips, great conditions for swimming and fishing. Accommodation available: two- to eight-bed cottages, own te...