, 08233 Chminianska Nová Ves
The autocamp offers accommodation in cottages and own tents or caravans. Joint social facilities with showers and kitchenette. The guests can also take advantage of the boarding services in the Kemp road-house ...
Alejová 24, 04001 Košice
The Salaš Barca autocamp is located in the vicinity of Červený Rak highway junction. The camp is accessed from the highway by-pass (the junction is marked). The camp provides accommodation and boarding services...
Pod Palkovom , 07231 Klokočov
, 06901 Snina
The autocamp offers accommodation in four-bed cottages, own tents and caravans.
There is a snack-bar with a terrace, community room, five fire places, carousel and slides for children. Toilets are barrier-free...