Staré Splavy , 47163 Staré Splavy
A recreational resort with cottages. On the premises: toilets, restaurant, volleyball playground, table tennis and fireplace.
Pod Borným 267, 47163 Staré Splavy
Černá Louže 15, 46353 Rynoltice
Black Pool campsite is located in the picturesque foothills of the mountains Lužické hory Accommodation is available in cabins. There is a snack, playground, table tennis, bike rental, playground and horse ridi...

Lesní 655, 472 01 Doksy
Chatky Jana (Jana Chalets) – Accommodation is situated at a family house in a peaceful part of Doksy, a 10-minute walk from Máchovo jezero (Mácha’s Lake).

Hraničná 99 , 468 11 Janov nad Nisou
Farm located in the Jizerské Mountain Protected Area. Newly built buildings provide comfortable accommodation. This is certified BIO farm specialising in cattle breeding and horses. Horse back riding on horse t...

Lesní 250, 472 01 Doksy
The recreation centre offers three- to five-bed chalets for accommodation. The sanitary facilities are shared. Among other things, a playground, a volley-ball and footballtennis court, and further a billiard ta...
Mimoňská č.e. 490 490, 472 01 Doksy
The recreational resort is located in the middle of pine forest, approx. 15 min walking from the beach at Máchovo Lake. Accommodation available: wooden cottages with four rooms. The area is suitable for familie...
U Nového rybníka 310, 47163 Staré Splavy
The Holiday camp is located in vicinity of Máchovo Lake. Accommodation available: 25 four-bed cottages. Joint sanitary facilities. There is a fireplace, sandpit, volleyball playground, table football a...
, 471 41 Dubá
Within the camp accommodation in cabins, camping, accommodation in their own caravans with electricity connection.
Possibility to provide half and full board.
There are ideal conditions for swimming (lake), b...
