Pod Borným , 47163 Staré Splavy
Der Campingplatz Březňák bietet Unterkunft am ruhigen Nordufer des Mácha-Sees mit ganztäglichem Sonnenschein. Der Campingplatz bietet 10 Vier-Bett-Hütten. Direkt im Campingplatz befindet sich ein Resta...
, 51264 Kacanovy
The Kacanovy sports area and camp ground is located in the heart of Bohemian Paradise. Accommodation available: own tents and caravans; possibility to rent caravans.

Lesní 250, 472 01 Doksy
The recreation centre offers three- to five-bed chalets for accommodation. The sanitary facilities are shared. Among other things, a playground, a volley-ball and footballtennis court, and further a billiard ta...
Pod Borným 225, 47163 Staré Splavy

Pod Borným , 47163 Staré Splavy

Pod Borným , 47163 Staré Splavy
Markvartice 21, 47125 Jablonné v Podještědí
The autocamp is located in the vicinity of Jablonné v Podještědí. Accommodation available: three- and four-bed cottages, own tents and caravans. Snack bar and grocery shop on the premises. In the near-by city (...

Pod Borným , 47163 Staré Splavy