Nad Přehradou , 73801 Frýdek-Místek
Autocamp Olešná is located approximately twenty kilometers from Ostrava in the recreational zone of the Olešná dam with a view of the Beskydy Mountains. Resort Olešná is an ideal place for summer holidays, corp...

Bohušov 115, 79399 Bohušov
The Bohušov camp and recreational area offers accommodation in tents, caravans and cottages. Available: 20 three-bed cottages with possibility of extra bed. There is a shower, toilet, washbasin and sink in ever...

162, 739 91 Dolní Lomná
Autocamp "U viaduktu" is situated in one of the most beatiful valley in Beskydy mountain, Lomná. Lomná is well know turist resort with lot of attraction, beatiful forests, crystal clear brooks and river. This p...

Skalky 932, 741 01 Nový Jičín
The sport-recreative centre "Na Skalkách" is located in the preserved natural area of Podbeskydí and simultaneously in the suburbs of the city of Nový Jičín. A pleasant walking through the lime-tree alley to No...

Tamovice 408, 74266 Štramberk
The recreational resort is located in the middle of the beautiful nature in Moravian-Silensian Beskids, in the vicinity of Štramberk. Accommodation available: four- and five-bed cottages. Boarding available in ...

U dráhy 18 1674, 74705 Opava
The dormitory and camp Slunečnice in Opava providing a cheap accommodation. There is a tavern within the dormitory area – the site offers a possibility of private barbecue events during the summer time.
