Rakovecká 72, 635 00 Brno
On area of 6 hectares you will find a restful accommodation in bungalows and apartment and localities for tents and motor caravans. There is also the outside buffet with roofing. The toilets and showers are sit...
, 691 04 Přítluky
A camp site situated on the bank of the water reservoir of Nové Mlýny offers accommodation especially in wooden chalets for 4 persons with various levels of furniture. Further, you can camp in a tent or place y...
Nový Přerov 43, 69181 Březí
Doubravník 256, 592 61 Doubravník
The recreational resort is located in the quiet valley of Svratka River. Accommodation buildings are located on a slight south descend along the entire length of the area, which ensures privacy and comfort of a...
Vranová , 67962 Vranová u Letovic
Ježov 248, 69648 Hodonín
The area is located on a sloping grassed terrain, close to the forest and Ježov water reservoir. Possibility of fishing. Accommodation available: in four-bed cottages Lada (possibility of having an extra bed) w...
Brněnská 727, 69611 Mutěnice