, 38444 Houžná
Situated on the bank of Vltava river near Lenora village. Accommodation in own tents or caravans. Buffet and boat renal within the campsite. A lot of interesting hiking destinations and cultural sights around.
, 38901 Pražák
The Pražák autocamp is located by Pražák village in the vicinity of Blanice River and it is surrounded by forest. Accommodation available: cottages, own tents or caravans. There is a sandpit for children, club ...

Přísečná , 38101 Český Krumlov
Veveří 308, 37344 Nové Hrady
The camp is located in the quiet environment. Accommodation available: 11 cottages, own caravans and tents. Available: fireplace, sanitary facility, kitchenette and restaurant. The camp offers ideal con...

, 38601 Strakonice
Accommodation is available in own tents, caravans or cabins. There is a snack, fireplace, playground and swimming pool in a nearby town Strakonice.

Mláka , 37817 Novosedly nad Nežárkou
Accommodation is possible in chalets or your own tents or caravans. There is a kiosk and a restaurant in the complex. Visitors are offered a volleyball and footballtennis court and also hiking, mushroom picking...

Nová 401/II, 39201 Soběslav
The camp is located on the left bank of Lužnice River, 20 km south from Tábor. Accommodation available: in 20 four-bed cottages, own tents and caravans. Boarding in the local restaurant.