, 34004 Železná Ruda
In the autocamp the customers will find one of the cheapest accommodation in Šumava – in small cottages, tents or caravans. In the autocamp there is a smaller restaurant with a possibility of fast food, WC and ...
Volšovská 220, 34201 Sušice
So, that´s the camp Jitrenka in Susice, surrounded by a riverine forest, nearby the Otava river, and, nevertheless, at close quarters of a town.Catering is provided in a catering hall of the camp where whatever...
Nádražní , 34201 Sušice
The camp is situated in Sušice on the left bank of the Otava River, at river kilometre 90. The camp site belongs to popular starting points for paddlers. In addition to an area for tents, there are also 3 chale...
, 38444 Houžná
Situated on the bank of Vltava river near Lenora village. Accommodation in own tents or caravans. Buffet and boat renal within the campsite. A lot of interesting hiking destinations and cultural sights around.
, 342 01 Dlouhá Ves
The Annín autocamp is located close to Otava River. Accommodation available: two-, three- and four-bed cottages and bungalows, own tents and caravans. The guests can swim in natural bathing place or river and u...
, 38444 Volary
The Paddling camp at the upper reach of the Vltava River near the Šumava National Park. It offers camping in the open air without electricity and other conveniences of modern civilization. Accommodation is poss...
Náměstí Svobody 1, 34192 Rejštejn
The campsite is located in the municipality of Radešov Rejštejn, on the Bank of the river Otava River. It offers accommodation in cabins, tents or caravans of their own. The shop of food is situated in the area...