Nádražní 590, 39468 Žirovnice
Náměstí Viléma Mrštíka 10, 664 81 Ostrovačice
Oaza Camp is situated 15 km from Brno, the exit of the D1 exit 178 towards Brno, you will find him in the middle of the village, opposite the rectory and church. This is a family campsite situated in a nice and...
Nová Živohošť , 25756 Křečovice
, 382 79 Lojzova Paseka
On behalf of the JAF-LIPNO: All the cabins have blankets with bed linen, the kitchens are equipped with basic utensils and refrigerators, heating with wood (supplied bythe manager, for 1.90 EUR for a wheelbarr...
Srbsko 32, 29402 Kněžmost-Srbsko
The sports recreation complex offers accommodation in chalets, log chalets, bungalows, apartments, or rooms. The complex offers a golf course, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a fitness room, a...
, 34522 Pivoň
Pivoň village is located in Cesky les mountains, 7 km southwest Pobezovice village in peace and quite countryside. Accommodation in bungallows (capacity: 40 beds) and four bed cabins. Withing the resort there i...