Píšťany 3, 41101 Žalhostice
The camp is situated on the bank of Píšťany Lake near Litoměřice. Accommodation is available in rooms, your own tents or caravans. There is a restaurant, a beach and a boat rental service in the complex.
87, 28126 Týnec nad Labem
Camp on the left bank of the Labe river surrounded by forests. In its surroundings, there are excellent conditions for cycling, angling, and water sports. Swimming in the Labe river. Nearby, there is a UNESCO m...
Střelecký ostrov , 41201 Litoměřice
Car campsite Slavoj Litoměřice has provided accommodation facilities and restaurant services for customers from the Czech Republic and from abroad for years. It is a small campsite on run in a family way. It is...
pod lipou 298, 41301 Roudnice nad Labem
Pod Lipou (Under the Lime Tree)
Situated at the outskirts on the River Elbe bank in the Pod lipou area. Accommodation in four-bed chalets with sanitary facilities. Bicycle paths along the River Elbe, memorial ...
Rumburská 44, 27721 Liběchov
The Zahrada (Garden) camp is situated in Liběchov village near Mělník. Accommodation is available in 5 four-bed chalets. There is volleyball, beach volleyball and football tennis court, table tennis and petanqu...