Campsites - Hradec Kralove region

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Ceska republika Region Praha Plzensko Sumava Zapadoceske lazne Severozapadni Cechy Cesky sever Cesky Raj Krkonose Vychodni Cechy Severni Morava a Slezsko Stredni Morava Jizni Morava Vysocina Jizni Cechy Okoli Prahy Západní Tatry Jižní Východní
Česká republika
Zapadočeské lázně Český sever Krkonoše Severní Morava a Slezsko
Severozápadní Čechy Praha Český ráj Střední Morava
Plzeňsko Okolí Prahy Východní Čechy Jižní Morava
Šumava Jižní čechy Vysočina
Západní Tatry Jižní Východní

autocamping ROZKOŠ -10% autocamping ROZKOŠ

autocamping ROZKOŠ

Třída.T.G.Masaryka 836, 55203 Česká Skalice

Camp is situated at the northern bank dam reservoir Rozkoš near international road E67. Offers accommodation ( cottages, dormitory, bungalow, place for tents and caravans ) in the area Česká Skalice – Ratibořic...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilities

kemp Stříbrný rybník

kemp Stříbrný rybník

Lhotecká 5, 50009 Malšova Lhota

Recreational area Stříbrný rybník is located by the biggest pond situated around Hradec Králové. The area offers quiet family vacations in the middle of beautiful nature, on the border of a natural park, the Or...

Bungalow with own sanitary facilitiesmobile homesCaravans to rent

kemp Lodín

kemp Lodín

Lodín 99, 50315 Nechanice

CAMP LODÍN Our dear customers, Welcome in our camping. We wish you a pleasant stay, a beautiful weather and a good strain which are inevitable to relax here. We are going to be very glad if you are satisfied wi...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilities

camp Dolce Trutnov -5% camp Dolce Trutnov

camp Dolce Trutnov

Oblanov 37, 54101 Trutnov

Camp Dolce is located in the quiet countryside, in the foothills of the Giant Mountains, 4 km from the town of Trutnov. ¨ The quiet recreation is secured in the spring and autumn, in summer camp comes to life ...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesmobile homesEquiped tents to rent

autocamp Brodský -15% autocamp Brodský

autocamp Brodský

, 54941 Červený Kostelec

Camping Brodský is located in the middle of Czech tourist paradise. Beautiful nature, castles, monasteries, castle ruins, military forts, rock cities and safari zoo: This all can be found in the surroundings. T...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesCaravans to rentEquiped tents to rent





Štefánikova 3213, 54401 Dvůr Králové

A stay at Safari Camp **** will be an unforgettable experience for your family and friends. Literally 24 hours a day, you can observe African animals either directly from your home, an accessible viewpoint or o...

With electricity connectionWith water connectionBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesEquiped tents to rent

autocamp Slunečná autocamp Slunečná

autocamp Slunečná

, 54344 Čistá v Krkonoších

The campground is located in the foothills of the famous Black Mountain. Our campground's excellent location offers you a wide selection of camping spots in the sun and in the shade that you can use all day and...

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesRooms with own sanitary facilities

chatová osada U koupaliště

chatová osada U koupaliště

Hradčany 1089, 54901 Nové Město nad Metují

Two-room five-bed chalets. There is no place for tents, caravans or cars.

Bungalow with own sanitary facilities

camp Rumcajs

camp Rumcajs

Koněvova 331, 50601 Jičín

For your comfort, we have prepared accommodation in 12 rooms in a motel situated above a restaurant and in a camp with a capacity of 180 persons. A restaurant with an outdoor terrace within the premises.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilitiesBungalow with own sanitary facilitiesRooms without sanitary facilities

autokemp Dřevěnice

autokemp Dřevěnice

, 507 13 Jičín

The Dřevěnice (Wood House) caravan camp is situated 7 km from Jičín, in the picturesque region of Bohemian Paradise. There is a pond right at the camp.

Places without connections/place without connectionsWith electricity connectionBungalow without sanitary facilities

Selected from this area

camp Dolce Trutnov camp Dolce Trutnov

Oblanov 37, 54101 Trutnov
camp Dolce Trutnov

Camp Dolce is located in the quiet countryside, in the foothills of the Giant Mountains, 4 km from the town of Trutnov. ¨ The quiet recreation is sec...

autocamping ROZKOŠ autocamping ROZKOŠ

Třída.T.G.Masaryka 836, 55203 Česká Skalice
autocamping ROZKOŠ

Camp is situated at the northern bank dam reservoir Rozkoš near international road E67. Offers accommodation ( cottages, dormitory, bungalow, place fo...

autocamp Slunečná autocamp Slunečná

, 54344 Čistá v Krkonoších
autocamp Slunečná

The campground is located in the foothills of the famous Black Mountain. Our campground's excellent location offers you a wide selection of camping sp...

Last minute / offers campsites

camping Oase Praha
Family camping near Prague

Ideal camping for visitting Prag and families with small children. Trips to Prague with English-speaking guide.

More about this offer

camping Oase Praha
What about Prague?

We accept the ADAC and ADAC Sparkarte 25.5.-1.7. and 26.8. - 3.9.2022.

More about this offer


Where to spend a vacation with your children?

Can you imagine a campground where you only see your children when it’s time for a snack or lunch? Yes, these campgrounds do exist in the Czech Republic. Full story

Comments | Rating

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Camping name Date Text Foto Rating
autokemp Olešná6.11.2023508,7
Naprostá spokojenost. Ideální místo na dovolenou pro aktivní rodiny a děti. My jsme si půjčili šlapadla a padleboary a taky longboardy a koloběžky a objeli celou přehradu. Nemohli jsme nenavštívit aquapark a děti byli i v hlídacím...
kemp Ostrov Zadní Třebaň9.7.202310 
Zaplatíte 20 Kč ve sprše,abyste - nahá - zjistila, že voda neteče.. Pitná voda jen v jednom kohoutku,fronta....a po napuštění zjistíte, že smrdí nějakou "sírou...Jinak kemp v pěkném prostředí, škoda, že správce si víc nehledí své ...
autocamping Velký Vír9.7.202346 
Jedna velká katastrofa! Že je kemp svažitý jsme četli,ale... Sprchy hrůza,toalety smrad,neuklizeno,toal.papir neexistuje,kontejnery smrděly všude, občerstvení nedostatečné, absolutně nezvládnutá organizace, pláž špinavá,bez toalet...