Varvažov 132, 39701 Varvažov
Na Pískárně , 382 41 Větřní
The Viking camp site is situated on the bank of the Vltava River, which will also offer excellent home cooking in addition to standard services. The possibility of accommodation in chalets, tents or caravans wi...
, 398 07 Orlík nad Vltavou
One of the most popular places for recreation
Equipment: 2 bunk beds + 1 sofa bed, the basic equipment cottages include 4 blankets and 4 pillows, bed linen or your own. can borrow for a fee, including a comple...
, 38101 Český Krumlov
Kemp Czech Krumlov is on the left side of the Vltava River near the city center. Accommodation is available in own tents. There are three large fireplaces, terrace and a large tent with refreshments.
, 375 01 Všemyslice-Kořensko
Located ashore of Vltava River, approx. 0.5 km under the junction with Lužnice; suitable for sports fishing. Accommodation available: three- to five-bed cottages. The cottages are rented from Saturday to Saturd...
Přísečná , 38101 Český Krumlov
Chotilsko 18, 26203 Chotilsko
, 382 11 Větrní
The caravan site is sought especially by paddlers, families with children and foreigners having a liking for going down the Vltava River. It offers accommodation in 45 four-bed chalets. The possibility of parki...